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CORPORATEGOVERNANCE StockholderEngagement StockholderEngagement Werecognizethevalueofarobuststockholderoutreachprogram.Weengageinregular,constructivedialoguewithour stockholders on matters relevant to our business, including corporate governance, ESG issues and executive compensation, sowecanbetterunderstandtheirviewsandinterestsandshareourperspectivesontheseimportantsubjects. PRO In addition to the outreach conductedin the weeksleadingup to our 2022AnnualMeetingof Stockholders,wealso XY reachedouttoourinvestorstosolicitfeedbackfollowingthatmeeting.In2022,wecontactedinvestorsrepresenting S T A approximately52%ofourcommonstock,andholdersofapproximately25%ofourcommonstockengagedwithus.As TEMENT part of this engagement,weconductedanESG-focusedinvestorperceptionsurveytounderstandhowinvestorsevaluate ESGfactorsintheirdecision-making,PayPalsapproachtoESGandassociatednon-financialreportingandour communicationsandengagementstrategy.WeconsideredthisfeedbackaspartoftheannualreviewofourESG significanceassessmentandourannualdisclosures. SPRING Host Annual Meeting • Engage in pre-Annual Meeting stockholder outreach to understand stockholder views on proxy matters, respond to questions and solicit support for Board recommendations • Hold virtual Annual Meeting • Post Annual Meeting Q&A on our Investor Relations website following the Annual Meeting WINTER SUMMER Assess Stockholder Consider Meeting Results Feedback • Discuss Annual Meeting voting • Review stockholder feedback results with the Board and Board with relevant Committees and committees, as appropriate the Board, as appropriate • Plan stockholder outreach • Consider enhancements to campaign for targeted and the Companys corporate responsive engagement and governance, ESG and executive prioritize focus areas compensation practices and disclosures FALL Conduct Stockholder Outreach • Engage in comprehensive stockholder outreach to gather feedback following the Annual Meeting • Discuss developments in the Companys business and strategy, Board composition, corporate governance, ESG and executive compensation • Explore new and emerging topics of interest •2023ProxyStatement 31

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