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Fostering Growth Throughout the Encouraging a Culture of Learning & Partnerships to Help Expand Employee Lifecycle Development Opportunities for Underrepresented Creating candidate and employee We are committed to embodying our Leadership Talent experiences where people Top 100 Principle to Learn, Every Day and providing varied • In Manila, Philippines, we partnered with Thrive, feel engaged, rewarded and (#90) in Fast opportunities for our employees to continue to grow at our ERG for people with disabilities, to expand Company’s Best the Company. In addition to the existing instructor-led championed is critical to ensuring Workplaces for and self-directed learning opportunities available to all our hiring of disabled persons in our Venmo and top talent joins and remains at Innovators PayPal Customer Solution teams. PayPal. employees, in 2022, we: • We partnered with U.S. Historically Black • Launched Career & Leadership Journeys, with over Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Enhancing Our Approach to Talent Acquisition 5,500 employees participating, to support each Serving Institutions to help build a long-term In 2022, we designed, built and implemented our employee’s individual career paths through three hiring pipeline for underrepresented talent. new candidate-centric and inclusive Global Talent foundational elements of learning: core skills, business • In collaboration with Tent Partnership for Acquisition strategy organized around: acumen and mindset and behaviors. Refugees, we founded a new U.S. mentorship • Creating a globally consistent, end-to-end hiring • Continued our Emerging Leaders Program to provide Investing in Inclusive Talent Pipelines program committed to helping refugees restart process with standardized and streamlined development experiences for employees who seek to or advance their careers. processes and tools. expand their responsibilities and boost their careers. Through our continued partnership with • We joined the Second Chance Business • Developing resources to create a more efficient and • Introduced Managing at PayPal Successfully, organizations such as CodeHouse, NABA, Coalition and became a new hiring partner positive hiring process, including a new internal a manager development program for all newly Year Up and INROADS, we are working to identify with Next Chapter to train and hire formerly career hub to support internal mobility, HackerRank promoted or newly hired leaders focused on skills and recruit talented Black and Latinx students incarcerated citizens in software engineering. screening tools for engineers and mandatory training such as providing consistent communication, for internships and full-time opportunities. For modules. leadership and motivation training. example, PayPal helped mentor and support participants of the CodeHouse Scholars Initiative “Together with PayPal, we have been able • Reimagining our university recruiting strategy to summer academy, which welcomed nearly to provide meaningful opportunities for focus on students rather than school rankings, use an 40 students from five HBCUs in 2022. formerly incarcerated individuals, enabling objective rubric for evaluating skills and capabilities 1.4M 27K+ them to rebuild their lives and become active and broaden our talent pipeline through new contributors to society. PayPal’s support has partnerships. total learning hours63 employees “Partnering with PayPal has helped us not only strengthened our mission, but has also • Establishing accountability, consistent leveraged learning significantly expand our organization’s inspired others. Together, resources63 we are redefining second communication and training for our recruiting team reach to impact the lives of thousands of chances and transforming focused on individual development. underrepresented students across the country. lives, one story at a time.” ~98K 45+ With their support, we’re confident that we can Kenyatta Leal make the tech industry a Executive Director, Next Chapter more equitable, inclusive self-directed average hours place for generations to courses accessed64 of learning per come.” employee Ernest Holmes CodeHouse President and Co-Founder 63 Includes PayPal instructor-led courses and self-directed learning. 64 Self-paced learning courses offered through PayPal on LinkedIn Learning, Udemy and O’Reilly that were accessed by employees. A self-directed course is considered “accessed” when a learner starts any video in that course.

2022 Global Impact Report | PayPal Page 25 Page 27