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Prioritizing Employee Total Wellness • Providing financial coaching and education to • Provided PayPal employees and their families employees globally through new financial wellness Making Progress on Our Employee unlimited and free access to Calm, a wellness app Wellness is a core value at PayPal and we offer webinars, one-on-one retirement planning and other Financial Wellness Goal to help improve sleep and manage stress. Last year, programs, benefits and initiatives that support each financial planning tools and resources. 75% of those who signed up engaged with the app at employee’s financial, mental and physical health. We In 2019, we established an enterprise-wide least weekly. seek to create a flexible, balanced work culture and take • Completing our Employee goal to reach at least 20% PayPal-defined Financial Wellness Diaries Participants’ debt-to- • Enhanced our sabbatical program to better facilitate 69 a holistic approach to leave and benefits. equity ratio was reduced estimated net disposable income (eNDI) for our research study, which 68 employee utilization of four weeks paid sabbatical by 20%on average employees globally, in an effort to help promote We recently centralized our corporate wellness strategy found that participants the financial wellness of our employees. Recently, upon their five-year anniversary. and appointed a Global Wellness Lead to increase improved their financial 83% of respondents said we refined our evaluation methodology to better • Expanded our “Mind Yourself” program to additional the cohesiveness of our program around the globe. wellness since joining they would now have an reflect the typical living expenses impacting our teams in 2022, encouraging We also created a new Global Wellness Council and PayPal and that the EFW easier time covering an The Mind unexpected expense of employees and the benefits and compensation employees to do a daily self-check Yourself program reestablished our network of Wellness Ambassadors initiative supported their $1,000 they receive, such as equity grants, reduced and reduce the stigma around reached a net to promote and educate our colleagues on available progress.67 healthcare costs and other subsidized benefits. In talking about mental health with promoter score benefits and resources. of 7470 2022, we achieved our goal, with all employees coworkers and leaders. in 2022. Advancing Employee Financial Wellness 230+ 1,300+ achieving an eNDI of at least 26% across our global locations. We will continue to perform Supporting Employee Physical Wellness PayPal’s Employee Financial Wellness (EFW) initiative periodic living wage assessments to measure continues to be a cornerstone of our overall wellness financial coaching personalized financial and determine appropriate next steps to support In 2022, we updated our approach to physical well- strategy and, in 2022, we launched new programs trainings delivered across coaching sessions our employees’ financial wellness. being and introduced new resources and benefits for and provided more resources to support employee 24 countries conducted our employees and their families, including: financial security and literacy across our workforce. GOAL: 2022 PROGRESS: • Maintaining zero cost increase for U.S. health plans This included: for the third consecutive year, with PayPal absorbing Advocating for Our Employees Reach 20% eNDI for 26% minimum 71 • Providing 2022 annual incentive plan payouts fully in  the premium cost differences. cash to eligible65 all hourly and entry- eNDI for global employees to reduce the impact of Throughout 2022, our Employee l • Offering free parental support solutions, resources, recent stock price volatility. Advocacy team offered specialized evel employees employees training and 24/7 care for PayPal families through • Continuing to distribute financial wellness grants aid to PayPal employees experiencing our partnership with RethinkCare. to hourly and entry-level employees, and updating crises. This support included the vesting schedule to give employees more assistance for employees affected by Thanks to resources provided by RethinkCare: opportunities to access their vested equity.66 natural disasters and the war in Ukraine. We also Promoting Mental Wellness • Giving U.S. employees access extended financial support through our Employee In a hybrid work environment, stress and burnout 82% 78% 29% to Even, a financial wellness app $4M distributed Relief Fund for team members experiencing can go unnoticed, making it important that we that provides early access of up through ~15K medical or financial hardship. provide resources and support for our employees to of participants of participants increase in early paycheck maintain positive mental health. In 2022, in addition reported reduced stated that their employee to 50% of their next paycheck to access requests to continuing our Global Wellness Days and providing stress or anxiety child’s behavior cover unexpected bills and other participation expenses, as well as save for future needs. access to free Employee Assistance Program and/or skills in 2022 counseling services, we also: improved 65 67 68 69 70 Senior Director role and below. PayPal’s Employee Financial Wellness (EFW) research study followed Debt-to-equity ratio is all debt and student The PayPal-defined estimated net disposable income is the percent of discretionary 74% of surveyed participants “Strongly 66 a cohort of 22 PayPal employees over 17-months to better understand loans divided by savings, investment and income remaining for our employees after taxes and typical living expenses are paid. Agreed” on a Likert scale that they would New vesting schedule applies to service-based equity the impact of our EFW initiative. Dr. Daryl Collins served as the principal home equity. Note that there is no documented This metric is calculated through a third-party model that utilizes independent data likely recommend the program to others. investigator, and participation in the study was entirely voluntary, with standard which indicates whether an individual on market-based costs across selected geographies. The model was enhanced from 71 awards granted on or after Applied to entry level U.S. employees. January 1, 2022. the resulting data and findings completely anonymized. level debt-to-equity ratio is strong or weak. prior periods to incorporate best practices and methodological improvements.

2022 Global Impact Report | PayPal Page 26 Page 28