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CORPORATEGOVERNANCE BoardOversight BoardOversight TheBoardisresponsibleforprovidingadviceandoversightofPayPalsstrategicandoperationaldirectionandoverseeing its executive managementtosupportthelong-terminterestsoftheCompanyanditsstockholders. Board of Directors ARC Committee Compensation Committee Governance Committee • Oversees the Companys risk • Oversees the Companys • Oversees and reviews the risks and compliance management compensation policies, plans associated with our overall program, including risks and programs and regulatory corporate governance framework associated with privacy and compliance • Exercises focused oversight of cybersecurity matters • Oversees strategies and PayPals management of ESG, • Oversees financial reporting responsibilities related to including overall ESG strategy, risks • Maintains an appropriate human capital (global talent) and opportunities, stakeholder relationship with the external management, including DIE&B, engagement and programs and auditor pay equity efforts and corporate initiatives in social innovation and culture environmental sustainability • Monitors internal controls • Oversees executive succession • Oversees political activities planning and expenditures Management Management regularly reviews and discusses with the ARC Committee the overall effectiveness of, and ongoing enhancements to, the Enterprise Risk and Compliance Management (“ERCM”) Program. Enterprise Risk Management Committee Oversees the implementation and execution of the ERCM Program, which sets the Companys programmatic approach to identifying, measuring, managing, monitoring and reporting key risks facing the Company. StrategicOversight OneoftheBoardsprimaryresponsibilitiesisoverseeingmanagementsestablishmentandexecutionoftheCompanys strategy. The Board works with managementtorespondtothedynamic,competitiveenvironmentinwhichPayPal operates.Atleastquarterly,the CEOandexecutivemanagementprovidedetailedbusinessandstrategyupdatestothe Board,andatleastannually,theBoardconductsanin-depthreviewoftheCompanysoverallstrategy.Inthesemeetings, theBoardengageswithexecutivemanagementandotherbusinessleadersregarding: • businessobjectives; • the competitivelandscape; • the Companysbudget,capitalallocationplanandfinancialandoperatingperformance; • productandtechnologyupdates; • potential acquisitions, strategic investments and partnerships; • informationsecurityanddataprivacy; • risk managementandcompliancereviews;and • other special topics. TheBoardlookstotheexpertiseofitscommitteestoinformstrategicoversightintheirareasofresponsibility. 26 •2023ProxyStatement

2023 Annual Report - Page 34 2023 Annual Report Page 33 Page 35