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PROXYSTATEMENTSUMMARY CorporateGovernanceHighlights CorporateGovernanceHighlights CorporategovernanceatPayPalisdesignedtopromotethelong-terminterestsofourstockholders,strengthenBoardand managementaccountability,fosterresponsibledecision-making,engenderpublictrustanddemonstratePayPals commitmenttotransparency,accountability,independenceanddiversity. PRO • 11 of 12 director nominees are independent • Majority vote standard for uncontesteddirector elections XY • IndependentBoardChairwithsignificantresponsibilities • Stockholderrightto call a special meeting S T A • All directors stand for annual election • RegularreviewofBoardandexecutivesuccession TEMENT • Simplemajorityvotestandardforcharter/bylaw planning amendmentsandmergers/businesscombinations • Strongstockholderengagementpractices • DiverseBoardinwhich6of12directornomineesare • Director service limited to no more than four public womenand/orfromadiverseethnicgroup companyboards,includingthePayPalBoard • Diversecharacteristicsconsideredin assessingBoard • Proxyaccessforqualifyingstockholders compositionincludesexualorientation,ethnicity, • Robuststockownershiprequirementsforourexecutives nationality and cultural background anddirectors • Committedtoactivelyseekinghighlyqualifiedwomen • Prohibition on hedgingandpledgingtransactionsby andindividualsfromunderrepresentedcommunitiesto executiveofficersanddirectors includein the initial pool from which director nominees • AnnualGlobalImpactReportdisclosingourperformance, are chosen progressandstrategyonkeyESGtopics • Annualperformanceself-evaluationsbythefullBoardand eachcommittee Tolearnmoreaboutourcorporategovernancepracticesandpolicies,seepage21ofthisproxystatement. StockholderEngagement Outreach Contacted holders of Engaged with holders of and 52% 25% Engagement of our common stock of our common stock PayPal Committee Chairs Investor Relations/ Internal Experts Participants Corporate Secretary Areas of Board Composition Risk Management and Executive ESG Stockholder and Succession Planning Oversight Compensation Matters Focus • Since 2017, added five highly qualified directors from underrepresented groups, with diverse skills and experiences that enhance the overall effectiveness of the Board. See page 13 of this proxy statement. How • Board and ARC Committee oversight of PayPals Enterprise Risk and Compliance Management (ERCM) Program and the Companys management of key risks, including cybersecurity and data privacy. Weve See page 26 of this proxy statement. Responded • Continued to incorporate diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging (DIE&B) considerations into our executive compensation program, with a focus on driving measurable outcomes. See page 61 of this proxy statement. • Enhancements to our global talent management strategy and our evolving workplace model. See pages 41-43 of this proxy statement. •2023ProxyStatement 9

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