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2022 Highlights Key Financial & Operational Metrics9 Key ESG Metrics9 $27.5B RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PRACTICES EMPLOYEES & CULTURE in revenue 10 (+8% spot basis and +10% FXN from 2021) 26% 56% ~100K 4K+ 100% minimum eNDI diverse workforce hours employees training completion 13 435M globally representation Introduced enhanced participated in by all employees achieving our goal reaching 44% global volunteered by active accounts passwordless Data Week, double in 2022 annual to reach at least 20% gender diversity employees across (+2% from 2021) authentication for the engagement training cycle PayPal-defined eNDI and 54% U.S. ethnic our workforce our customers and from last year for our employees diversity14 employees globally12 $1.36T total payment volume SOCIAL INNOVATION ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 10 (+9% spot basis and +13% FXN from 2021) $4.2B+ 2.9% $20B+ 80% ~39% 90% in access to average international to nonprofits operational emissions vendors by total renewable remittance rate and causes 15 spend energy use 22.3B capital reduction payment transactions facilitated for small- maintaining an average donated by 55M demonstrating have set or including 100% (+16% from 2021) and medium-sized international remittance customers through the progress toward committed to renewable energy businesses11 rate below 3%, aligned PayPal Giving Platform our science-based science-based sourcing for our data with the U.N. SDG targets climate targets16 centers globally 29.9K 2030 target global employees 43% 44% Select Awards & Recognitions Americas Europe & Middle East 13% JUST Capital America’s Newsweek America’s Forbes World’s Best Fortune World’s Most CDP Climate Rating A- Asia-Pacific JUST 100 Most Trusted Brands Employers Admired Companies 9 12 13 14 15 16 As of December 31, 2022. The PayPal-defined estimated net disposable income is the percent of discretionary income remaining for Global women Ethnically diverse includes U.S. EEO-1 defined From 2019 baseline. Operational greenhouse gas emissions include those emission sources covered by Scope We continue to refine our assessment methodology to 10 our employees after taxes and typical living expenses are paid. This metric is calculated through a third- and U.S. categories American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, 1 and Scope 2 market-based method (MBM) as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the Science-Based include vendors within relevant Scope 3 categories, Foreign exchange rate neutral. 11 party model that utilizes independent data on market-based costs across selected geographies. The model ethnically Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Targets initiative. While we observed operational GHG reductions exceeding our 2025 goal, we recognize that in including purchased goods and services, capital goods, Through PayPal Business Loans and PayPal Working was enhanced from prior periods to incorporate best practices and methodological improvements. diverse men. Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander or Two or More Races. future years this may change as employees continue to return to the office and the Company continues to grow. business travel and upstream transportation and distribution. Capital in the U.S., U.K., Australia and Germany.

2022 Global Impact Report | PayPal Page 8 Page 10