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Assessing & Prioritizing Our ESG Topics 4 Our ESG strategy is based on the periodic significance assessment and prioritization of non-financial risks and Engaging Our Stakeholders opportunities identified by our business and our stakeholders as important for PayPal’s long-term success. An essential aspect of effectively managing our key Key ESG-Related Engagement Topics Building on our ESG significance assessment conducted in 2020, we annually review our ESG significance map. ESG topics, as well as informing our significance 5 assessment, is our strategic approach to stakeholder Investors: Succession planning, executive In 2022, we reaffirmed our 18 key ESG topics, including eight designated as priorities for PayPal to drive long-term compensation, intersection of ESG and business business performance and impact based on stakeholder feedback. engagement. strategies, data privacy, cybersecurity, Board and The findings from our ESG significance assessment serve as an important input to inform how we strategically 2022 ESG engagement risk oversight deploy resources across the enterprise and refine our ESG-related programs. 4.38 rating from investors Customers: ESG approach, product education, out of 5 (+23% from 2019)6 business ethics, climate change, supplier diversity 2022 ESG Significance Map We value the regular input we receive from our global Employees: Business strategy, product innovation, Cybersecurity & workforce, customers, investors, regulators, partners, sustainability, workplace inclusion, community  CE   secure transactions engagement S  suppliers and other stakeholders in seeking to  ‚ ) E € Diversity, inclusion, continuously refine our ESG program. In late 2022, we Regulators: Cybersecurity, risk oversight, ESG n C ­ equity & belonging r  completed our second investor-focused perception e  Climate change Data privacy strategy, climate change onc mitigation study to understand how investors view PayPal’s ESG c r Partners: Civic engagement, small business e Empowering strategy, investment case and communication efforts. d Financial health support, employee wellness, climate change hol entrepreneurs, small & inclusion We observed notable improvements since our inaugural e businesses & nonprofits ak Corporate study in 2019. The feedback helped inform our latest ESG Suppliers: Business ethics, climate change, st f Employee wellness, o governance significance assessment and reinforced the importance diversity e health & safety re of aligning our financial and non-financial disclosures. g Social product e D innovation ( e Employee recruitment v i t & development c uman rights e Community engagement p Reporting on Our Progress ers Compliant, ethical & humane use of products This Report covers ESG strategies, activities, progress, metrics and performance from calendar year 2022, der P Sustainable supply unless otherwise noted. In addition to findings from our latest ESG significance review and ongoing stakeholder l chain management o engagement, we also conducted an annual benchmarking and review of industry peers and leading issuers to h e k atural resources enhance and refine our disclosures based on best practices and emerging regulatory requirements. a Business ethics t management Climate change l S adaptation This report is aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative standards, relevant SASB industry standards, the Ten a n Environmental Principles of the United Nations (U.N.) Global Compact, the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics and U.N. Sustainable er CES t product innovation  ­€‚CE x Development Goals (SDGs). See the Appendix for specific reporting to these frameworks and a Task Force on E PayPal Perspective (Impact on business) Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) summary. CATEGORIES: esponsible Business ­ractices Social nnovation Employees & Culture Environmental Sustainability 4 5 6 As used throughout this report, the term “significance” and variations thereof refer to significance within the context of our ESG strategies, activities, progress, metrics and performance. Such term is distinct from, and does not refer to, concepts of materiality As designated by those topics in the shaded upper Study participants provided an overall rating of 4.38 (5=excellent) for PayPal’s ESG used in securities or other applicable law, and use of such term is not an indication that PayPal deems related information to be material or important to an understanding of the business or an investment decision with respect to PayPal securities. right-hand quadrant of our ESG significance map. engagement approach, representing significant improvement from the 3.56 rating in 2019.

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